If you’ve ever thought about sales, then the idea of a Rainmaker has surely crossed your mind. Sure, rainmakers are the rock stars of sales—they get results. They flourish in business development and can close deals at an astonishing rate, but is a rainmaker really what your business needs?
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Are You Scaring Away Customers?
Whether your sales reps are out in the field or in the office making calls, the last thing you want are customers who regret engaging with your sales team. Ignoring your phone calls or having a bad feeling about your company unfortunately are side effects of off-putting sales teams.
read moreFive Approaches to Cleaning Up Your CRM
We’ve talked about how to help your sales personnel grow your business. But another way to help them is by making sure your customer relationship management (CRM) software is organized. If your CRM system is inaccessible and out of date, it could be costing you. In fact,...
read moreThe Secrets Behind Good Sales Leadership
Sales leadership and sales management sometimes get used interchangeably. After all, both are positions of power and influence in the organization. Plus, both have a big impact on the success of your sales team and your company. But sales leadership requires very different skills from sales management...
read moreBuild A Stellar Sales Team from Scratch
You’re a leader in your relatively new company – and now you need to build a sales team from scratch. Whether you’re a startup, entrepreneur, or a business leader who needs to do a sales makeover, here are some of our best tips for building a sales...
read moreFive Characteristics That Make A Great Salesperson
Becoming a great salesperson is hard work and requires continued efforts throughout a career. But there are certain traits all wildly successful salespeople can identify with. Today we’re going to take you through five characteristics that make the difference between good salespeople and great ones. While working hard is absolutely essential, it’s also important to work smart. Use our short guide to start working smarter and become a better salesperson.
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